香港住宅 商业楼宇
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Positano - Tower 05

悦堤 - 第05座


租金: 港币 49,000 全包
(实) 1,398 平方尺 3房, 2.5浴室
Proway Relocation & Real Estate Services Ltd.

Private Roof Terrace Private Roof Terrace
View from Living and Dining Room View from Living and Dining Room
Balcony off Living and Dining Room
Balcony off Living and Dining Room
Living and Dining Room
Living and Dining Room
Living and Dining Room
Living and Dining Room
Master Bedroom
Master Bedroom
Master Bathroom
Master Bathroom
Second Bedroom
Second Bedroom
Third Bedroom
Third Bedroom
Open Kitchen
Open Kitchen
Open Kitchen
Open Kitchen
Guest Bathroom
Guest Bathroom


租金 : 港币 49,000 全包
实用面积 : 1,398 平方尺
睡房 : 3 (1-套房)
物业编号 : 140050
更新日期 : 2025-01-02
露台/阳台 : 40 平方尺
工作平台 : 16 平方尺
窗台 : 16 平方尺
花园 : 69 平方尺
天台 : 573 平方尺
平台 : 31 平方尺
冷气机房 : 43 平方尺


3 睡房 (1-套房); 2.5 浴室; 相连式客饭厅; 2 露台; 1 杂物房


  • Magnificent sea views bounded by a range of mountains at the horizon.
  • Large windows capture picturesque views of the sea and nearby greenery.
  • There are six units in each building of this exclusive compound, all enjoying private entrances and exclusive lifts access.


  • Brand new duplex apartment in a recently complete low-rise development.
  • Exclusive lift directly to the entrance level of this apartment on where the living and dining room with balconies, open kitchen and a powder room are located.
  • White tiled floor, high ceilings and large windows brighten the living and dining room.
  • Wine fridge, oven, steamer and lots of work space and cupboards complete the western kitchen.
  • Internal staircase or lift take you to the bedrooms, two bathrooms and store room downstairs.
  • All bedrooms are of generous size and are lined with light wooden flooring.
  • Master bathoom features bathtub and double basins. Guest bathroom is in similar design as the master bathroom.
  • Store room is convertable to a maid's room.
  • Utility area is located between the two levels.


  • Two balconies extend the living and dining room, each capable to accommodate a table and chair. The larger balcony boasts views over Discovery Bay and the sea, and the smaller one overlooks the houses nearby.
  • Private roof terrace features an infinity pool.


基本资料 低层住宅
发展商 Hong Kong Resort Company Limited 香港興業有限公司


*租金全包 (包括管理费、差饷)

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