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Hong Kong Apartments

Hay Wah Building - Block A

has 0 up-to-date properties for rent in Hay Wah Building - Block A, 71-85 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, and you can use our property search engine to find more properties for lease or sale in Wan Chai. Looking for property For Sale in Hay Wah Building - Block A?

Building Information

Hay Wah Building - Block A Building Outlook Building Outlook
Hay Wah Building - Block A Building Outlook Building Outlook
Hay Wah Building - Block A Building Outlook
Building Outlook
Hay Wah Building - Block A Main Entrance
Main Entrance
Basic Info Low-rise Apartment
Year built 1979 (building age 46 years)

Property for Rent in Hay Wah Building - Block A (0)

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The above rental or sale information is provided by the hong kong property agency Proway Relocation & Real Estate Services Ltd or its sister companies, a premier real estate agent specializing in realty, residential property for rent and sale in Hong Kong. Looking to rent a flat, buy a flat or list property? Please call us at +852 2866 0130.